February 5, 1976 - August 8, 2024

Wuilmer Felipe López-Estrada, 48, of Hamilton, passed away surrounded by his loving family on Thursday, August 8th, 2024 at Capital Health Regional in Trenton NJ.
Born and raised in Salcaja, Guatemala, you could always find him weaving and selling textiles all over Guatemala to help support his family. In 1998, he immigrated to the United States to fulfill the American Dream. While he started out as a dishwasher, through his hard work and passion for cooking, he moved through the ranks to become a head cook. Always looking for better opportunities, he even became the owner of his own landscaping business. More recently, he worked alongside his son, who he bestowed his knowledge and love for the kitchen upon him. He made friends wherever he worked and frequented and was always sharing the stories and love he had for his family.
He is survived by his wife, Angela Maritza Lopez; his children, Jennifer and Michael Lopez; his mother, Yolanda Felipa Estrada; and siblings, Magda, Maria, Yajaira, Edin and Lorena Lopez Estrada; as well as many other family members and friends.
Visitation for family and friends will be held from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2024 at the Buklad-Merlino Memorial Home, 2141 South Broad Street, Hamilton.
Wuilmer Felipe Lopez-Estrada, 48, de Hamilton, falleció alrededor de su amada familia el Jueves 08 de Agosto del 2024 en el hospital Capital Health Regional en Trenton NJ.
Nació y creció en Salcajá, Guatemala; siempre lo podías encontrar tejiendo y vendiendo sus apreciados cortes para ayudar a su familia. En 1998 vino a los Estados Unidos para vivir el Sueño Americano. Wuil empezó como dishwasher pero con su esfuerzo y dedicación fue ascendiendo hasta que llegó a ser un gran cocinero. Siempre buscando maneras de mejorar, también se hizo dueño de su propio negocio de jardinería. Y más recientemente trabajó de cocinero junto a su hijo, a quien le enseñó todo lo que sabía de la cocina. En cualquier lugar se hacía amigos de todos y siempre hablaba del amor y orgullo que le tenía a su familia.
Con profundo dolor lo despiden su esposa, Ángela Maritza López, sus hijos, Jennifer y Michael López Mazariegos; su madre, Yolanda Felipa Estrada, y hermanos, Magda Maria, Yajaira, Edin y Lorena Lopez Estrada; a si cómo muchos otros familiares y amigos.
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