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Artlcles About Grieving

Helping a Suicide Survivor Heal

Helping a Suicide Survivor Heal

Because of the social stigma surrounding suicide, survivors feel the pain of the loss, yet may not know how, or where, or if, they should express it. Yet, the only way to heal is to mourn. Just like other bereaved persons grieving the loss of someone loved, suicide survivors need to talk, to cry, sometimes to scream, in order to heal.

Helping Your Family Heal After Miscarriage

Helping Your Family Heal After Miscarriage

It is normal and natural to hurt deeply after a miscarriage. While others may imply or outright tell you that miscarriage happens too early on for you to be attached to the baby, or that miscarriage is so common it’s nothing to get upset about, or that you should focus on getting pregnant again instead of being sad about what happened, you know that miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy often feel like profound losses.

Helping a Grandparent Who is Grieving

Helping a Grandparent Who is Grieving

A child or young adult has died. Everyone who loved the child is now faced with mourning this tragic, untimely death. The child's parents are heartbroken. But what about the grandparents? How might they be feeling? How can you help them with their unique grief?

Helping a Grieving Friend in the Workplace

Helping a Grieving Friend in the Workplace

Our support of a fellow employee can make a real difference in how he survives right now. Being present to a co-worker in grief means you are giving one of life's most precious gifts-yourself. Do not underestimate how your efforts to help can make a real difference for him. Your supportive presence, particularly when he is just returning to work and in the weeks and months ahead, can make an important difference in how your coworker heals.

Helping a Friend in Grief

Helping a Friend in Grief

A friend has experienced the death of someone loved. You want to help, but you are not sure how to go about it. This article will guide you in ways to turn your cares and concerns into positive actions.

Helping Your Family When a Member is Dying

Helping Your Family When a Member is Dying

Learning that someone in your family is dying is a blow to everyone the news touches. We sometimes think this only happens in other families, but now it is happening to yours. If the onset of the illness was sudden or unexpected, you and the rest of your family will likely feel shock and numbness at first. This is a natural and necessary response to painful news.

The Misconception of the Funeral as a Rite of Closure

The Misconception of the Funeral as a Rite of Closure

It’s a common misconception. When someone we love dies, the death indeed ends—forever—our experience of live, bodily presence with that person. The body is dead. It’s true—something essential is finished. It is over. A door has closed.

Top 10 Considerations for Preplanning Your Funeral Arrangements

Top 10 Considerations for Preplanning Your Funeral Arrangements

When considering the future, one of the kindest things we can do for our families is to preplan our funeral arrangements. This thoughtful preparation can alleviate the burden on loved ones during a difficult time. Here’s a guide to the top ten considerations to keep in mind when preplanning your funeral.

Save Money, Plan Ahead

Save Money, Plan Ahead

We all want to leave our loved ones something to remember us by, but that something is not a large expense — or worse, debt.

How To Plan Your Own Funeral: Getting Started

How To Plan Your Own Funeral: Getting Started

I’m going to die, and you are too, one day.

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